"Again and again" 是一个英语短语,表示“反复地”、“一次又一次地”或“不断地”的意思。这个短语强调某个动作或情况发生了多次,或者可能在未来继续发生。它通常用来描述一种重复的行为或状态。


1. He practiced the piano again and again until he mastered the piece. (他一遍又一遍地练习钢琴,直到掌握了这首曲子。)

2. The teacher emphasized the importance of the lesson again and again to make sure the students understood it. (老师一再强调这堂课的重要性,以确保学生明白。)


1. **Over and over**: 这个短语与 "again and again" 意思相同,强调重复的动作。例如:She checked her work over and over to avoid any mistakes. (她反复检查工作,以免出错。)

2. **Time and time again**: 此短语也表示反复发生,但有时暗示了某种结果或教训应该被记住。例如:Time and time again, we've seen the negative consequences of not following safety rules. (我们一次又一次看到不遵守安全规则的负面后果。)

3. **Repeatedly**: 这个副词直接表示“反复地”,通常用在动词前面。例如:The machine repeatedly broke down, causing production delays. (机器反复出故障,导致生产延误。)

4. **Incessantly**: 这个词强调不间断的重复,有时带有贬义,暗示过于频繁或令人厌烦。例如:The neighbor's dog barked incessantly, disturbing everyone's peace. (邻居的狗不停地叫,打扰了大家的安宁。)

5. **Endlessly**: 除了表示“无休止地”之外,还可以表达“没完没了地”或“无穷尽地”。例如:The children played games endlessly, full of energy. (孩子们充满活力地没完没了地玩游戏。)