"That's all right" 是一个常见的英语短语,具有多种含义,包括但不限于“没关系”,“不用谢”,“可以的”,“好的”,或者表示轻微的同意或接受。这个表达在不同情境下有不同的用法,下面我们详细解析其含义并提供一些例句,同时与相关的同义短语进行辨析。


1. 表示宽恕或谅解:当别人道歉时,你可以说"That's all right" 来表示接受道歉,即“没关系”或“不要紧”。

2. 回应感谢:在别人表示感谢时,可以使用"That's all right",相当于“不客气”或“不用谢”。

3. 表示同意或接受:在某些情况下,可以用来表示轻微的同意,即“可以的”或“好的”。

4. 客套用语:在对话中,有时用于表示对某事的轻度认可或接受,但并不强烈。


1. 张三:对不起,我迟到了。李四:That's all right, I understand you had traffic.

   (Zhang San: Sorry, I'm late. Li Si: That's all right, I understand there was traffic.)

2. 玛丽:谢谢你帮我修电脑。约翰:That's all right, happy to help.

   (Mary: Thank you for fixing my computer. John: That's all right, happy to help.)

3. 老师:你可以明天交作业。学生:That's all right, I'll have it ready by tomorrow.

   (Teacher: You can hand in your homework tomorrow. Student: That's all right, I'll have it ready by tomorrow.)

4. 甲:我可能需要借用你的车一会儿。乙:That's all right, just bring it back in good condition.

   (A: I might need to borrow your car for a while. B: That's all right, just bring it back in good condition.)


1. "It's okay" 和 "That's all right" 在很多情况下可以互换使用,都可表示宽恕、谅解或接受。例如:

   - 甲:我打翻了你的咖啡。乙:It's okay / That's all right, I'll get another one.

2. "No problem" 或 "Not at all" 也是回应感谢时常用的表达,但语气通常比"That's all right"更轻松、随意。例如:

   - 乙:谢谢你的帮助。甲:No problem / Not at all, anytime.

3. "Sure" 或 "Certainly" 在表示同意或接受时,语气比"That's all right"更肯定,适用于正式场合。例如:

   - 甲:你能帮我搬一下这个箱子吗?乙:Sure / Certainly, let me give you a hand.

4. "Never mind" 通常用于告诉别人不必在意或担忧某事,与"That's all right"的宽恕含义相似,但语气略显消极。例如:

   - 甲:我忘了带伞。乙:Never mind, we can share mine.