"Ask sb to do sth" 是一个英语短语,意思是请求或要求某人做某事。在这个结构中,"ask" 是动词,表示询问或请求;"sb" 是代词,代表某人;"to do sth" 是不定式短语,表示要被请求或要求的具体行动。

### 用法

1. **直接请求**:当你希望某人完成特定任务时,可以使用此短语。例如:"I asked John to clean the room."(我让约翰打扫房间。)

2. **寻求帮助**:在需要他人协助时,也可用 "ask sb to do sth"。例如:"Can you ask your sister to help me with this?"(你能让你姐姐帮我一下吗?)

3. **建议或提议**:在提出建议时,也可以采用此结构,表达“建议某人做某事”的意思。例如:"I asked her to consider taking a break."(我建议她考虑休息一下。)

### 例句

1. He asked me to attend the meeting on his behalf.(他让我代替他参加会议。)

2. The teacher asked us to read the chapter for homework.(老师要求我们把这一章作为作业来读。)

3. She asked him to stop smoking, but he refused.(她让他戒烟,但他拒绝了。)

4. Could you ask your neighbor to turn down the music? It's too loud.(你能请你邻居把音乐关小点吗?太吵了。)

5. I asked the waiter to bring some more water.(我让服务员再拿点水来。)

### 同义词辨析

- **Request**: 与 "ask sb to do sth" 意思相近,但通常用于正式或客气的场合,如商务信函或正式对话。例如:"I would like to request your assistance in this matter."(我希望你能在这个问题上提供帮助。)

- **Demand**: 强烈要求或命令,有时带有一定的权威性。例如:"The boss demanded that we finish the project by tomorrow."(老板要求我们必须在明天之前完成项目。)

- **Inquire**: 主要用于询问信息,而非要求行动。例如:"I inquired about the availability of the hotel rooms."(我询问了酒店房间的空余情况。)

- **Urge**: 带有强烈的劝说或鼓励意味。例如:"She urged him to take the job offer."(她劝他接受那份工作邀请。)