"Left a Bitter Taste in One's Mouth" 是一句英语习语,通常用来描述一种不愉快的经历或结果,给人留下深刻而负面的印象,就像某些食物或饮料的味道在口腔里久久不散。这个表达可以用于形容失望、后悔、不满或者愤怒的情绪。




1. After the company downsized, many employees felt that their loyalty had been betrayed, leaving a bitter taste in their mouths.


2. The way he publicly criticized her hard work left a bitter taste in everyone's mouth, making them question his leadership.


3. The movie had an excellent plot, but the disappointing ending left a bitter taste in my mouth.



1. "Spoiled the mood" - 这个短语意味着破坏了原本愉快的氛围或心情,比如因为一个不愉快的事件突然发生。

   例句:The sudden rain spoiled our picnic, leaving us all in a bad mood.

2. "Tarnished one's reputation" - 这个短语用于描述某人的名誉或形象因某种行为而受损。

   例句:His involvement in the scandal tarnished his once-pristine reputation.

3. "Cast a shadow" - 指某事给其他事物带来了阴霾或负面影响。

   例句:The news of her illness cast a shadow over the celebration.

4. "Left with a sour feeling" - 这个表达与“left a bitter taste in one's mouth”非常相似,也指的是不愉快的感受。

   例句:After the argument, she was left with a sour feeling, unable to shake off the resentment.


"Left a bitter taste in one's mouth" 是一个生动的表达,用于描绘生活中的失望和不满。它与其他同义短语如 "spoiled the mood", "tarnished one's reputation", "cast a shadow", 和 "left with a sour feeling" 在一定程度上可以互换使用,但每个短语都有其特定的语境和强调点。理解这些差异可以帮助我们更准确地表达我们的思想和感情。