"Light a fire under your butt" 是一个常见的英语俚语或习语,源自实际生活中的行为——在某人的臀部下面点火,以激发其行动或提高其工作效率。这个表达暗示了一种强烈的激励或推动,通常用于鼓励某人加快速度,采取行动,或者对某个任务或目标表现出更多的热情和积极性。


"Light a fire under your butt" 意味着“赶快行动”,“振作起来”,“打起精神来”,或者“加大努力”。这个短语通常用来敦促那些拖延或者效率低下的人,让他们意识到需要更快地完成任务或者更积极地面对挑战。




1. "如果你还想保住这份工作,现在就该light a fire under your butt,否则老板会找别人来代替你!" (If you still want to keep this job, you'd better light a fire under your butt, or the boss will find someone else to take your place!)

2. "考试下周就开始了,你得light a fire under your butt,否则你会后悔的。" (The exam starts next week, so you need to light a fire under your butt, or you'll regret it.)

3. "我知道你喜欢慢慢来,但这次我们必须light a fire under our butts,项目截止日期就在眼前了!" (I know you prefer to take your time, but we need to light a fire under our butts this time – the project deadline is looming!)


1. **Kick into gear** - 这个短语表示开始认真做事,与"light a fire under your butt"有相似含义,强调从懒散或无动于衷的状态转变为积极行动。

   例句:"With the deadline approaching, it's time for us to kick into gear." (随着截止日期的临近,我们该全力以赴了。)

2. **Step up your game** - 这意味着提高你的表现或标准,以应对更高的挑战或竞争。

   例句:"If you want to win the competition, you'll have to step up your game." (如果你想赢得比赛,你必须提升你的表现。)

3. **Get off your duff** - 这是一个更为粗鲁的表达,意味着停止无所事事,开始行动。

   例句:"Stop procrastinating and get off your duff – there's work to be done!" (别再拖延了,快点行动起来,有工作要做呢!)

4. **Pull your socks up** - 这个短语源于英国,意味着振作起来,改善你的行为或表现。

   例句:"You've been slacking off lately; it's time to pull your socks up." (你最近有些松懈,是时候振作起来了。)