"Light at the end of the tunnel" 是一个英语成语,源自人们在隧道中行走时,看到前方的光亮预示着即将走出黑暗,达到目的地。这个短语常用来比喻在困难或困境中看到希望,预示着情况即将改善或问题即将解决。


1. 作为主语: "The light at the end of the tunnel is finally visible after months of hard work."(经过几个月的努力,终于看到了隧道尽头的光。)

2. 作为宾语: "We're almost there; the light at the end of the tunnel is our ultimate goal."(我们快要到达了,隧道尽头的光就是我们的最终目标。)

3. 描述情境: "Despite the setbacks, there's always a light at the end of the tunnel, so don't give up."(尽管遇到了挫折,但总会有曙光出现,所以不要放弃。)


1. "After a year of unemployment, I've finally landed a job - it feels like there's a light at the end of the tunnel."(失业一年后,我终于找到了工作,感觉像是看到了曙光。)

2. "Despite the ongoing pandemic, medical researchers are hopeful that a vaccine will be the light at the end of the tunnel."(尽管疫情持续,但医学研究人员寄希望于疫苗是走出困境的曙光。)

3. "During the recession, many businesses struggled, but for some, the light at the end of the tunnel was government stimulus packages."(在经济衰退期间,许多企业举步维艰,但对一些企业来说,政府的刺激方案就是他们看到的曙光。)


1. **Silver lining:** 与 "light at the end of the tunnel" 类似,"silver lining" 也表示在困难中的乐观一面或希望。例如:"Finding a new hobby during lockdown was a silver lining in an otherwise difficult time."(在封锁期间找到新爱好是在其他困难时期的一线希望。)

2. **Break of dawn:** 这个短语通常指天刚亮的时候,也常被用来象征希望的开始。例如:"Despite the long night, the break of dawn brought a renewed sense of hope."(尽管夜晚漫长,但黎明的到来带来了新的希望。)

3. **Glimmer of hope:** 这个表达强调微弱但存在的希望。例如:"There's a glimmer of hope that the peace talks will lead to a resolution."(和平谈判可能会带来解决方案的一线希望。)

4. **Bright spot:** 这个短语用来描述在不愉快的情况中的亮点或积极因素。例如:"Amidst the economic downturn, the tech industry remains a bright spot with steady growth."(在经济衰退中,科技行业保持稳定增长,成为亮点。)

总结来说,"light at the end of the tunnel" 是一个富有哲理的表达,它鼓励我们在面对挑战和困难时保持乐观,相信困境终将过去,希望就在前方。其同义表达如 "silver lining", "break of dawn", "glimmer of hope" 和 "bright spot" 各有侧重,但都传达了在逆境中寻找希望的信息。