"Plenty of other fish in the sea" 是一句英语俗语,源自海洋中的鱼类数量众多,用来比喻在人际关系或爱情中,当一个人失去一个伴侣或机会时,还有许多其他的选择或可能。这句话通常用于安慰那些刚刚结束恋情或遭遇拒绝的人,提醒他们不要过于执着于一次失败,因为世界广阔,有更多的可能性等待着他们。




1. "Don't worry, there are plenty of other fish in the sea. You'll find someone who truly appreciates you."


2. "After she turned me down, my friends reminded me that there were plenty of other fish in the sea, and they were right."


3. "Losing this job was tough, but I remind myself there are plenty of other fish in the sea, and I'll find something better."



1. **There's always another option**


2. **The world is your oyster**


3. **Don't put all your eggs in one basket**

   这个短语警告人们不要把所有的希望都寄托在一个事物上,因为如果它失败了,你可能会一无所有。与"plenty of other fish in the sea"不同,它更侧重于分散风险,而不是寻找替代选择。

4. **There's someone for everyone**

   这个表达认为每个人都会找到适合自己的伴侣,与"plenty of other fish in the sea"有相似的安慰意味,但更侧重于浪漫关系。