"Skeleton in one's closet" 是一个英语习语,源自于一个形象的比喻。在英文中,"skeleton" 指的是人类的骨骼,而 "closet" 则是存放私人物品的柜子。当这个短语组合在一起时,它暗示着一个人藏着的秘密或者不为人知的过去,这些秘密通常是令人尴尬、羞耻或可能带来负面影响的事情。一旦这个秘密被揭露,可能会对个人的声誉或形象造成严重的损害。


1. After the politician's scandal was exposed, his supporters were shocked to learn about the skeleton in his closet.


2. She always feared that her past relationship with her former boss would become a skeleton in her closet and ruin her career.


3. His sudden resignation raised suspicions, and rumors of a skeleton in his closet soon started circulating.



1. **Dirty Laundry**: 与 "skeleton in one's closet" 类似,"dirty laundry" 也表示个人不愿意公开的丑事或秘密。例如:"She didn't want to air her dirty laundry in public."(她不想在公众面前暴露自己的丑事。)

2. **Deep Dark Secret**: 这个短语强调的是非常隐秘且可能带来严重后果的秘密。例如:"He had a deep dark secret that could destroy his family if it ever came out."(他有一个深藏不露的秘密,一旦曝光可能会摧毁他的家庭。)

3. **Past Misdeeds**: "Past misdeeds" 强调的是过去犯下的错误或不当行为。例如:"She was haunted by the guilt of her past misdeeds."(她因过去的错误行为而备受良心谴责。)

4. **Baggage**: 在某些情况下,"baggage" 可以指代个人的历史问题或情感负担。例如:"He knew he had emotional baggage from his previous marriage, but he was determined to work through it."(他知道他从上一段婚姻中带来了情感上的负担,但他决心去面对并解决。)