worth, worthy, worthwhile都有“值得的”的意思。


①be worth sth 值得…

I think this matter is worth our attention.我觉得这件事值得我们注意。

When you're in Reykjavík, the National Museum is worth a visit.如果你在雷克雅未克,那里的国家博物馆值得参观。

②be worth having/doing sth 值得拥有/做…

There's nothing worth reading in this newspaper.这份报纸中没什么值得一读的。

If you are a young, inexperienced driver, it is worth having comprehensive insurance.如果你是一位初出茅庐的年轻司机,买一份综合保险是必要的。

It's worth remembering that prices go up in February.值得记住的是,价格于2月1日上涨。

③worth it 值得(努力、冒险、忍受痛苦等)去做

It was a long climb to the top of the hill, but it was worth it for the view from the top.攀登到山顶要很长时间,但为了能看到山顶上的风景,这是值得的。

Don't tire yourself out, Geri, it's really not worth it.格里,别把自己累坏了,那真的不值得。

worthy : 形容词,与 worth 同义,但搭配不相同。

①worthy of attention, notice……的意思是值得注意的。

Two points in this report are especially worthy of notice.这份报告中有两点特别值得注意。

②worthy of sth 适合…的;有…典型特征的

He threw a party worthy of a millionaire.他举办了一场典型的百万富翁式的聚会。

worthwhile : 形容词,用作表语或定语,指某事物是值得的,或某事是值得做的。

She considers teaching a worthwhile career.她把教书看成是一项值得从事的事业。
The time and expense involved in keeping up to date with all the changes has been worthwhile.为跟上所有这些变动而花费的时间和费用是值得的。
If you need him on this project, you've got to make it financially worthwhile for him (= you will have to pay him a suitable amount of money for the amount of work involved).如果你需要他参与这个项目,你就得适当付给他钱让他觉得值得一做。