

【经典例题】 China is a country that respects and protects free speech, but people should also bear in mind that online freedom is guaranteed by more responsibility.

A. much B. most C. greater D. greatest

【例题解析】C。该题考查形容词的比较级。根据more responsibility的语境选择greater。句意:中国是个尊重和保护言论自由的国家,但是人们也应该牢记:更大的网络言论自由是以更强的责任心作为保障的。






I attended a wonderful concert last night. I had never been to   .

A. the best one B. a better one C. a worse one D. the worst one

该题选择B。a better one是相对于a wonderful concert而言的。句意:昨天晚上我去听了一场很棒的音乐会。我从未听过比这更棒的音乐会。



【经典例题】 Statistics show that men have as women do whatever vehicles they drive.

A. serious accidents as twice many B. twice as many serious accidents

C. twice serious accidents as many D. serious accidents as many twice


【知识拓展】英语中常用表达倍数的句型之一是:表达倍数的程度状语+as+原级+as…。如,The tree is three times as tall as that one。

切记:如果第一个as后接形容词many或much,后面根据表达的需要经常分别接上可数名词复数或不可数名词。如,I did twice as much work as you did yesterday(我昨天做的工作是你的两倍)


【经典例题】Researchers from the universities of Istanbul and Hawaii have been trying to create   rabbit that can glow in the dark.

A. a so interesting B. so an interesting

C. an interesting so D. so interesting a

【例题解析】D:该题考查副词so用法。一般来说,我们习惯会写出“冠词+形容词+名词”这样的短语(如,an interesting rabbit),但如果句中有so在修饰这个结构中的形容词时,就需要将冠词和形容词的位置对换。句意:伊斯坦布尔和夏威夷大学的研究人员正试图培育出能在黑暗中发光的有趣的兔子。

【知识拓展】当副词how/so/as/too/that修饰“冠词+形容词+名词”结构中的形容词时,冠词与形容词的位置需要对调。如,That big a house is too large for me(那么大的房子对我来说太大了)。


【经典例题】1. John Smith, a successful businessman, has a   car.

A. large German white B. large white German

C. white large Germ an D. German large white

2. —How was your recent visit to Qingdao?

 —It was great. We visited some friends. And spent the   days at the seaside.

A. few last sunny B. last few sunny C. last sunny few D. few sunny last

【例题解析】1. B; 2. B 典例1是按“大小+颜色+产地”的顺序排列;典例2首先根据“限定词+形容词”的原则排除,然后又根据“序数词+基数词”的原则确定选项。



【经典例题】Poor boy! His looks and hands suggested he was very afraid

A. frightful; trembling B. frightened; trembling

C. frightening; trembled D. frightening; trembling


【知识拓展】一般来说,很多及物动词都可以变体形成它们的动形词(包括-ed形容词和-ing形容词),这时候最直接的判定标准是看被修饰词与该动词的关系,如果被修饰词与动词构成主谓关系,则用-ing形容词,相反若构成动宾关系就用-ed形容词。如 a hurting word 一个伤人的单词,a hurt girl一个受伤的姑娘。
