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东北师大附中   2021年高三第一次联合模拟考试









第一部分昕力(共两节 ,满分30分)




例:How much is the shirt?

A.₤19.15.            B. ₤ 9. 18.            C. ₤ 9. 15.


1. What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. Repeat what he said.          B. Call her back soon,     C. Stop listening to music.

2. Where are the speakers?

A. At an office.             B. At a grocery store.         C. Ata restaurant.

3. What kind of homework does the man give his students?

A. Reading.               B. Using the Internet.         C. Interviewing someone.

4. What does the woman think of Mrs. Dunkirk?

A. She is strict.             B. She is humorous.        C. She gives good advice.

5. Why doesn't the man want to go to book club tonight?

A. He is running late.       B. He didn't read the book.    C. He usually misses it.




6. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Eating.             B. Playing.                C. Driving.

7. Where are the speakers going?

A. To the man's house.         B. To the beach.         C. To a car repair shop. ;


8. What day is it today?

A. Friday.              B. Saturday. .               C. Sunday.

9. How will the woman deal with the sink until Monday?

A. She will fix it herself.  B. She will put a basin under it.  C, She will ask for help from others.


10. What did the man do last weekend?

A. He went ice-skating.   B. He played hockey.       C. He went to the movies.

11. What do the speakers decide to do this weekend?

A. Visit the girl's father. .      B. Watch a hockey game.  C. Join a professional hockey lean.

12. What's the relationship between the speakers?

A. Friends.                B. Coach and player.      C. Brother and sister.


13. How does the man probably sound in the beginning?

A. Very excited.            B. A bit angry.           C. A little surprised.

14. How many people will go to Shanghai?

A. Only one.              B. Two.                  C.Three.

15. What is the man worried about?

A. The environment on the train.

B. The cost of the business trip.

C. The public transportation in Shanghai.

16. What does the man want to do at the end?

A. Leave early.       B. Reserve a hotel room.        C. Talk to his assistant,


17. When will the reunion take place?

A. In January.           B. l March.               C. In June.

18. If you attended with a guest, how much would you pay in total?

A. $20.                    B.$ 10.               C. $ 40.

19. Where is the reunion taking place?

A. In the front office.         B. In the cafeteria.          C. In the classroom.

20. If you call Rob Jones,what are you most likely to do?

A. Volunteer.              B. Attend the reunion.        C. Pay for parking.

第二部分阅读理解( 共两节,满分40分)


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。


Architecture Summer School

Course overview

It will be an interesting design experience at the Royal College of Art School of Architecture. The Architecture Summer School offers a challenging and attractive programmer of design studio experience , visits,lectures and skill training.

Admission criteria

Participants must :

<>have an undergraduate degree in design or a creative background ;

<>have a good level of English language;

<>be 18 years or over.

How to apply

We do not accept applications at the moment. The below information does not apply until the course is live again. To apply,please complete our online application form. This online form requires you to ;

<> submit your Curriculum Vitae (简历) ;

<> submit a 300-word statement of interest outlining your relevant experience 0r practice and why you would like to join the Architecture Summer School.

If your application is accepted,you will be emailed with a booking link so that you can make payment of the course fee. The place will be held until the payment deadline,and if you do not make. payment by this date then your place will be offered to another participant.

If your application is unsuccessful, we will inform you by email. Unfortunately,we are not able to provide personal feedback due to the great number of applications that we receive.

If the course is fully booked and your application is successful, we will add your name to a waiting list.

Application deadlines

Applications will be assessed by the RCA course team every two weeks or until the course is fully booked. We will inform all applicants by email within two weeks after they submit an application. Participants are advised to apply early to avoid disappointment as places are strictly limited.

21. What's the requirement if you want to apply for' Architecture Summer School?

A. Applying on line now.                 B. Being at least 18 years old.

C. Holding a graduate degree, in design.     D. Having a good command of foreign languages.

22. What should you do when you complete the online application form?

A. Submit your design work,             B. Pay 300 pounds in advance. ,

C. Mail the school your course fee         D. Describe your reason for joining. the school.

23. What if you don't pay by the payment deadline?

A. You may n0t get the place.            B. You may get a personal feedback.

C. You will have to pay a double fee later.  D. You will find your name on the waiting list.


In a city where tall buildings can make one feel closed in, Bryant Park offers open space for citizens and tourists to relax. In a tiny section of the park, a close community comes together at The Tables. These free outdoor ping pong tables attract individuals (个体) who share a love of the sport. People of various ages,backgrounds and skill levels became friends first, then the family.

The Tables are available to the public beginning at 11 a. m. with paddles and balls provided by the park. Regulars start to show up around 4 p. m. with their own paddles in hand, ready to dominate (主导). Matches become more competitive- -doubles on one table and singles on the other- -and winners are able to stay on a table until they are defeated. Those waiting their turn can be seen practicing on the sidelines,eagerly watching the game or joyfully greeting returning friends.

Deeper than the healthy competition and love for the sport is a sense of belonging and inter-generational friendship and trust among the regular players. They come to have fun, connect, relieve stress and “feel alive”. What began as a marketing tool for a local ping pong center unexpectedly grew into the community it is today.

Inspired by the diversity of players and the community they developed, Jon Bunning made a documentary called The Tables to share their story. “I just found it really fascinating that a homeless person could play as equals with a successful Wall Street banker," says Bunning.“ That's one thing I think all, humans share. We all want to belong to something, or have a place to feel like you fit in and belong there.

24. What attracts people to come together at The Tables?

A. The desire of finding families.             B. The same affection for ping pong.

C. The ambition of winning the championship.  D. The willingness to sell copies of The Tables.

25. What's paragraph 2 mainly about?

A. The punishments for losing the game.      B. The qualifications for the competitions.

C. The management and operation of the park: D. The routine of playing ping pong at The Tables.

26. What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?

A. The homeless differ little from Wall Street hankers.

B. The Tables developed the economy of the community.

C. A sense of belonging. proves more attractive to regular players.

D. A local ping, pong center purposely turned the players into a community.

27. Which can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Sports Without Borders              B. Love for Sports Matters Most

C. Communities' Free Sports Service     D. Sports Promote Healthy Competition


What does an outdoor cat do all day? A study of more than 900 house. cats shows when they kill small birds and mammals, their influence is concentrated in a small area, having a bigger effect than wild predators ( 食肉动物) do.

Roland Kays, a scientist at North Carolina State University and his colleagues collected GPS data from cats in six countries. “These cats are moving around their own backyard and a couple of their neighbors' backyards , but most of them are not ranging very much further ,”Kays said.“So initially I thought,' Oh, this is good news. They're not going out into the nature preserves. ’”

Then Kays took how much cats kill m that small area into consideration. Some cats in the study were bringing home up to 11 dead birds a month, which doesn't include what they ate or didn't bring home.

“It actually ends up being" a really high rate of predation," Kays said. He calculates that cats can have 4-to-10 times the influence of a wild predator. Native predators, like jungle cats, also kill a lot of small animals, but their influence is spread out over a larger area. One study indicates that house cats kill billions of birds every year.

“The simplest thing to do is to keep your cat indoors, ”Kays said.

For those who refuse to keep their cats inside, there are potential options. St. Lawrence University associate professor Susan Willson went looking for one. She found a special brightly colored collar online.“The whole idea is that the bird will be able to visually see the cat creeping (爬) up on it before the cat attacks it,” she said. Willson tested the collar on both her cat and dozens of others. It greatly reduced the number of birds the cats brought home.

“I'm not saying these collars can make a significant difference in the massive bird death that we're seeing,”she said.“But each individual bird that somebody in their backyard is not finding dead, I think matters.

28. Why does Kays say “this is good news" ?

A. House cats can be tracked by GPS.     

B. House cats won't kill birds in large numbers.

C. House cats are protected from wild predators,

D. House cats feel comfortable in their own backyard.

29. How do wild predators differ from house cats in terms of killing animals?

A. They prefer to attack larger animals.        

B. They kill 4-10 times the number of house cats.

C. Their victims are distributed in a bigger range.

D. They kill less than house cats on a monthly basis.

30. What can we infer from the passage?

A. Birds can't sense the danger when cats attack them.

B. Willson considers keeping her cat inside a good idea.

C. The only way to protect birds is to keep them indoors.

D. The colored collar can be a sign of potential danger to birds.

31. Which word can best describe Willson's attitude to using collars to save birds?

A. Concerned.            B. Positive.           C. Doubtful.     D. Cautious.


We know that China is the largest and fastest-growing consumer market in the world. What is less well understood are the forces that shape consumerism in the worlds most populous country. In my view, there are some social and cultural aspects at play that drive consumer spending.

Consumerism is related to freedom. To have. a choice means to have consumer choice. You are what you consume. Consumption is an expression of sel. It allows you to explore the world through its products, to experiment with lifestyle choices,and to do so safely and anonymously (匿名地). You might never get to France, but you can try French wine. California might be faraway, but you can go to Shanghai Disneyland. Indeed,the enthusiasm for choice is reflected in the enthusiasm Chinese consumers have f01 online shopping.

Consumerism is a statement of success. American economist Thorstein Veblen popularized the concept of“ conspicuous consumption" . When consumption is no longer driven only by need, it becomes a way of making a statement that you have disposable (可支配的) income and you can-al least in certain respects- enjoy life on your terms. Simple pleasures--a pair of Nikes,a smartphone,designer clothing become statements of personal identity,

Collective experience is focused. We like participating in group events. FOMO, the Fear of Missing Out, goes beyond cultures. But [ suspect this trend is stronger in China than in the West because Confucian culture does not celebrate outliers as the West does. Social media reinforces ( 强化) this collective pattern so that shopping and dining are shared experiences. Opinions are crowd-sourced. And the merchants reinforce this pattern by supporting holiday sales ,group buying, and other promotions.

Successful brands in China are able to handle most or all o{ the above considerations. The consumer must not only be delighted with your product, The journey of the consumer must also respect these socio-cultural aspects.

32. What's mainly talked about in the passage?

A. China's population growing wealthier.

B. China's fast-growing market economy.

C. Chinese socio-cultural influences on consumerism.

D. Chinese consumers' preference of quality to quantity.

33. What does paragraph 2 focus on?

A. Shopping online is a new experience.     

B. Consumption can be a reflection of freedom.

C. Foreign products can be purchased in China.

D. Shopping around the world is a favorable choice.

34. What does the underlined words “conspicuous consumption” in paragraph 3 mean?

A. The ability to cover one's real needs in daily life.

B. Spending money in order to keep up with others.

C. The purchase of expensive items to display status.

D. Buying abundant goods to acquire personal identity.

35. Why does the author think FOMO is stronger in China?

A. Social media play a bigger role in their lives.

B. Following the trend is what people like better.

C. Chinese people have less contact with the strangers,

D. Confucian culture is less likely to appreciate outsiders.



It seems that society has placed so much value on the word“humility(谦逊)”, sometimes we're told to lower ourselves in order to be recognized as a more modest student or employee.

36   , rather. than how society looks at you, according to a US-based business magazine. Here are three ways to start developing a more modest personality.

1. Stop questioning your worth

Being mild-mannered does not contradict recognizing your worth , because you'll become at peace with your inner self when you accept your own strengths. Humility will then come as a natural consequence.  37  . Worth shouldn't be measured by what you compete on in society. Rather, it's your gifts, talents and hard work that prove who you are.

2.  38  

Be willing to get coffee for a colleague , sweep the floors of your dormitory , or move to a smaller office at work.  39  . In addition, it may potentially inspire ideas for growth beyond your original vision. Accepting more flexibility in your everyday life will also help you move back and forth in the path , without having to worry about “losing yourself” in any difficulty you may come across. You'll gradually realize that either a step forward. or backward won't affect your value.

3. Accept uncertainty

40   . Try to appreciate the unknown and regard it as a fresh learning opportunity rather than a nightmare. Just as band Maroon 5 says, “Life isn't always rainbows and butterflies. It's compromise that moves us along.”This may never be easy. But you can meet uncertainty with a sense of curiosity to learn what can be created from it. Furthermore,appreciating the unknown instead of fearing it is also a way to reduce stress.

A, Be eager and flexible

B. Be determined and hard-working

C. Develop a healthier relationship with uncertainty

D. Uncertainty is a double -edged sword in many cases

E. Remember that you are valuable regardless of outside variables

F. This can allow you to interact with the people around you in new ways

G. The true humility,however, is more about the way you relate to yourself and your surroundings

第三部分语言知识运用( 共两节,满分45分)




My presentation was horrible and both the client (客户) and boss seemed not satisfied. Disappointed and exhausted, I  41  myself out of the air-conditioned office. It was hot as hell and I was_  42  in the three piece suit I'd bought specifically for this big day. I boarded a full bus and was unable to_ 43  it, so I  44  my way off at the next stop. Continuing my journey, I refused to take off my jacket, purposely maximizing my setbacks- -“When it rains, let it_ 45  ” was my principle.

As I_ 46  the comer, I saw a group of kids frolicking (嬉闹) in the water. “If I get wet, said to myself,thinking about taking an alternative  47  . Then I noticed a little kid holding a water gun

and  48  me a little harder than the others. In that second, I knew I was going to get wet though I felt they didn't dare. He got me, behind my ear,_ 49  he made his escape. I,_ 50  and then angry,

headed toward the alley to_ 51  his escape. More surprisingly , his playmate threw his water gun to me. I pulled the trigger (扳机). He fought back but his shooter was no__ 52  for my power,so instead he turned his water gun on a few other little kids who were taken by surprise and ended up in _ 53 , at what just happened. Then, I too turned my gun on these kids and before long we were in all-out water warfare. Soon, the whole block seemed to be_ 54  , Needless to say,1was wet and laughing like I'd never_ 55  before.

I couldn't remember my last water_  56  and if did, it couldn't have been as fun as this one. It

took a five-year-old to_  57  the kid in me, and help me realize that you may not be able to_ 58

disappointment but you can still let in the  59  .And you can_  60  a suit, too, and not really care!

41. A. drew            B. dragged               C. fled            D. accompanied

42. A. trembling        B. depressed             C. boiling           D. tired

43. A. stand            B. adjust                C. resist            D. challenge

44. A. changed          B. felt                 C. squeezed         D. continued

45. A. drop            B. float                 C. flood            D. pour

46. A. turned           B. overlooked           C. left              D. jumped

47. A. risk            B. way                 C. measure           D. bus .

48. A. shouting at      B. Waving               C. shooting at        D. eyeing

49. A. in that          B. before .               C. in case           D. until

50. A. frozen          B. relieved               C. thrilled           D. disappointed

51. A. ban            B. defeat                 C. help .            D. block

52. A. excuse          B. distinction            C. match            D. qualification

53. A. pains .           B. peace                C. stillness          D. tears

54. A. involved         B. frightened           C. upset              D. separated

55. A. laughed          B. won                C. expected          D. faced

56. A. shower          B. fight               C, performance        D. competition

57. A. make out         B. pick up           C. put up             D. bring out

58. A. cancel           B. control            C. lose              D. abolish

59. A. expectation       B. success           C. joy               D. accomplishment

60. A. make           B. purchase            C. water          D. ruin




Once gain, Ke Jie has shown the world that he is certainly a Go grandmaster (围棋大师).

On Nov.3, 61   23 -year-old Chinese Go player won another championship. He defeated Shin

Jinseo of South Korea, 2-0 in the 25th Samsung World Go Masters final,_ 62  was held online this year,  63   ( make) him the youngest Chinese Go player to hold eight world titles.

His road   64   success was paved with pain and difficulties. Ke was  65  ( skilled) and often ranked bottom of many competitions until he stepped up his professional career at age 11. In 2015, he became the youngest three-time champion in the history of the game.

Despite being the world's top player, Ks meta challenge in 2017 when he_ 66_ (lose), 0-3 to the

AI program AlphaGo. Ke cried after the game  67  doesn't kill you makes you stronger," as the

saying  68  ( go). Ke has learned about from AlphaGo and put it into practice ,which helped

69  (he) secure 22 wins in a row against human  70   ( player) after failing to AlphaGo.

AI is quite strong, and people are studying this technology all the time. I can feel my opponents

(对手) attacking me well, but all I can do is fight back," Ke told CGTN.





增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ˄ ),并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线( \)划掉。




Dear Lucy,

I'm sorry to learn that your mom read your journal and you felt annoyed. After all, it is up to you if to share what you write.

You'd better have a open discussion about how all of you feel. You should calmly tell her that you expect to have a certain amount privacy. If she feels the best of all way to know about you is to read your journal, and it means there is a lack of communication.

As we get old, we start to want more privacy, but this can lead to parents feel like they are left out of our world. You may as well understand what your mom does. I believe there must be a win-win solution to making your mom feel she is till strongly connecting with you.

Yours ,

Li Hua

第二节书面表达(满分25 分)

假定你是李华,上周你校为了响应国家“拒绝浪费,珍惜粮食”的号召,开展了“ 光盘行动”主题活动。请你为校英语报写一篇报道,要点包括:

1.活动内容;                2.你的感受。


1.词数100左右;           2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:光盘行动Clean Plate Campaign


英 语 试 卷 参 考 答 案


1-5 ABCAB  6-10 CBABC    11-15 BACBA   16-20 ACCBA


21-23 BDA     24-27 BDCA    28-31 BCDB  32-35 CBCD  36-40 GEAFC


41-45 BCACD 46-50 ABDBA    51-55 DCCAA  56-60 BDBCD


61. the        62. which         63. making       64. to           65. unskilled   

66. lost        67. What         68. goes         69. him 70. players


Dear Lucy,

I’m sorry to learn that your mom read your journal and you felt annoyed. After all, it is up to you if to


share what you write.

You’d better have a open discussion about how all of you feel. You should calmly tell her that you

                  an                      both

expect to have a certain amount∧privacy. If she feels the best of all way to know about you is to read your

of                           ways

journal, and it means there is a lack of communication.


As we get old, we start to want more privacy, but this can lead to parents feel like they are left out of our

           older                                             feeling

world. You may as well understand what your mom does. I believe there must be a win-win solution to


making your mom feel she is still strongly connecting to you.



                                                                    Li Hua


In response to the national call against food waste, our school launched the Clean Plate Campaign last week.

Food loss and waste exist and millions of people are still hungry. The food wasted globally every year could feed these hungry people. Various school activities were carried out for this reason. Young volunteers put up posters and signs promoting food saving on campus to increase awareness of respecting food labor and valuing food among students. Also, class meetings were held to make a change in the students’ attitude and encourage them to become eco-pioneers.

Through the campaign, we have become more aware that there is no excuse for wasting food. To save food is a traditional virtue in China, which we should never forget.



(Text 1)

W: What was that? Could you say that again, please? This bus is really noisy. The man next to me is listening to loud music.

M: Hi! I said my battery is about to die! I’ll call you back using Ben’s phone!

(Text 2)

W: Since you only have a couple of items, you can go ahead of me in line.

M: Thanks! I’m late for work and don’t have time to wait for you to pay for all of your food.

(Text 3)

W: So, we have to interview someone about the war? What’s the point of that?

M: Reading textbooks and surfing the Internet are not the only ways to get information. Sometimes people are just as good, if not better.

(Text 4)

M: Mrs. Jenkins is such a nice teacher. She always has good advice, and has such a good sense of humor.

W: I wish Mrs. Dunkirk was like that. She’s strict, and her assignments are hard.

(Text 5)

M: I have book club at 7:00 tonight. I’m wondering if I should even show up. I didn’t read the book.

W: Just call and tell them. They’ll understand. You haven’t missed one all year.

(Text 6)

W: Congratulations on getting your first car! Who taught you how to drive?

M: My father. He used to collect old cars, but now he just has a couple sports cars that he drives on the weekends.

W: Do you think he’ll let you drive any of them?

M: Wow, I sure hope so! But I don’t think I’m quite ready for that, so I’m not getting worked up about it.

W: Driving should be as easy as possible, in my opinion.

M: Yeah, but it should also be fun. Speaking of that, are you ready? Let’s drive to the beach!

W: OK, I just need to get my sunglasses from your living room. I must have left them in there during breakfast.

(Text 7)

W: My sink is leaking and has poor water pressure. Could you send someone to fix it?

M: OK. They will be there by the end of the day.

W: I am going to be at work until 6:00 p.m., so I won’t be able to let them inside.

M: Don’t worry. They have a master key that will let them in.

W: Couldn’t they just come tomorrow? I don’t like anyone being in my apartment when I’m not there.

M: I’m sorry, but they don’t work on Saturdays.

W: OK, how about Monday then? I don’t work on Mondays.

M: Sure, they should be there by 10:00 a.m. on Monday.

W: I guess I’ll just have to put a basin under the sink for now.

(Text 8)

W: What do you feel like doing this weekend? Want to go to the movies?

M: Not really. I went to the movies last weekend.

W: Well, want to go ice-skating? All the lakes are frozen.

M: I’m so bad at ice-skating. Every time I go, I lose balance and fall.

W: Yeah, I’m not very good either, but it’s fun. Want to go to watch my brother’s hockey game?

M: Sure! I love hockey. I want to learn how to play hockey better so I can play someday.

W: My brother is really good. My dad was a professional hockey player. He is retired now.

M: Really? That’s so cool!

W: Thanks! My brother is playing hockey for a college team and he hopes he’ll be able to go professional.

M: I hope so, too. Then I can say I learned hockey from a professional!

W: Well, you’re going to need to learn how to ice-skate first!

(Text 9)

W: I have some good news for you. We’ve decided we’d like to send you to Shanghai on a business trip this weekend.

M: Oh?

W: I thought you’d be a bit more excited about it. Everything will be paid for, and I’ll send my assistant with you to take care of everything for you. All you have to do is get on the train tonight at 7:00 p.m.

M: The train? Will I be flying back?

W: Oh, no. We’ve bought your return ticket for you. I think you’ll find it quite comfortable.

M: Will the train be very crowded?

W: Oh, no. The train hasn’t been crowded at all recently. Besides, you’re in first class, so you’ll be fine.

M: When is the first meeting then?

W: They’ve scheduled the meeting for 9:00 tomorrow morning.

M: Where will I be staying?

W: We’ve booked you a room in the same hotel as your meetings, so you won’t need to deal much with public transportation.

M: That’s smart. Would it be all right if I left early today to prepare for the trip?

W: No problem. Get some rest if you can. You don’t know how tight the schedule is for this business trip.

(Text 10)

The class of 2012 is reunited again! The class officers have been busy meeting and planning since January 2018. We have decided to hold our class reunion on June 1, 2018. Each member of the class should be receiving an invitation in March of 2018. You can park in the main parking lot for free. Each member of the class of 2012 is invited to attend and can bring one guest. The cost for each person will be $20, which will include dinner and drinks. The entry to the event will be at the front office. The reunion will be held at Redhawk High School in the cafeteria at 7:00 p.m. We will need volunteers to help with decorations, planning, and other details, so if you are interested, please contact Rob Jones before May 1, 2018 by calling 455-555-6789. If you intend to attend the event, please contact Molly Jones at 455-555-4567 before May 1, 2018. Additional information can be found at rhalumni.net. We look forward to seeing familiar faces!