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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)


听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳答案,听完 每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. What will the woman do on Sunday?

A. Go to an art exhibition. B. Eat out with an old friend. C. Show her paintings to the man.

2. Which program does the girl want to watch?

A. Italian gardens.    B. A dance competition.             C. A history program.

3. What will the woman major in?

A. Children's behavior science.

B. Business administration.

C. Pre-school education.

4. When does the conversation take place?

A. On Thursday.    B. On Friday.    C. On Saturday.

5. What does the woman think of the price of the food in the Dragon's Den?

A. Quite low.    B. Reasonable.    C. Very high.


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最 佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟 的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Boss and employee.

B. Interviewer and interviewee.

C. Teacher and student.

7. What can we learn about the man?

A. He is able to speak French.

B. He can't work with Picture Shop.

C. He lacks computer design skills.


8. What are the pictures about?

A. The woman's office. B. The woman's old home. C. The woman's new apartment.

9. What do we know about the woman?

A. She can see a river from her living room.

B. She stays in her study most of her time.

C. She hopes to live with her parents.


10. How does the woman feel about her trip?

A. Comfortable.    13. Scared.    C. Interested.

11. What docs the man think was the most exciting activity?

A. Diving.    B. Rock climbing.    C. Bungee jumping.

12. What docs the woman mean in the end?

A. Heights won't bother her either.

B. She dislikes swimming with sharks.

C. It is exciting to try bungee jumping.


13. Why do most people fail to lose weight according to the woman?

A. They eat too much, B. They lack willpower. C. They do it the wrong way.

14. What does the woman advise overweight people to do?

A. Take in less sugar.    B. Eat almost nothing.    C. Eat low-fat food.

15. How many meals a day is best?

A. Two.    B. Three.    C. Five.

16. How can people avoid overeating?

A. By having fruit before meals.

B. By drinking less water.

C By eating slowly.


17. What can people see on Tuesday in the main hall?

A. Computers.    B. Models of vehicles. C. Musical instruments.

18. At what time does Double Trouble start?

A. 7:45 p.m.    B. 8:00 p.m.    C. 8:30 p.m.

19. Which event has to be postponed?

A. An exhibition.    B. A conference.    C. A play.

20. What is the good news for Storm Warning fans?

A. They will talk with the band face to face.

B. They will have the chance to see the band next year.

C. They can watch the band's concert at a lower price.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的AB, CD四个选项中,选出最佳选项。


Inventions That Changed the World

The medieval era was not short of groundbreaking ideas. As we'll explore here important scientific leaps and popular new products were invented in this era, some of which remain important to this day.

The Printing Press

Date 11 th—15th Century

Use: Publishing

Well before Johannes Gutenberg brought the idea of mass production of printed text to Europe with his Gutenberg Bible, the moveable type printing press was already in use in China. Before this, in Asia as in Europe, books were handwritten to be copied. In 1440 Gutenberg applied similar technology to mass produce books for the general public. Freeing up access to knowledge in a cheap and efficient way was a game changer.


Date: 15tlh Century

Use: Drink

The exact timing and origin of coffee bean cultivation is greatly disputed, but we can say with some confidence that by the 15th century coffee beans were being grown and roasted for the production of coffee in the Yemeni region of Arabia. From there it would spread to Egypt and eventually to Europe. First though it took root in the Near East where the stimulating drink became a popular alternative to alcohol. The secondary offshoot of coffee drinking became the spread of coffeehouses where men would meet to play games like chess as well as discuss politics, smoke and listen to music.


Date: 10th Century

Use: Entertainment, Firearms

The black powder was an incredibly important milestone for humanity. This relatively simple explosive mixture might be best known for its use in weapons and fireworks, but it also offered new means of mining for resources, which was a massive time — and energy-saving innovation. The formula originates in China where the mixture was first used for setting fires. The impact of this technology on the world of weaponry is well known to us now.

1. What does the Printing Press and Gunpowder have in common?

A. They have similar uses. B. They were related to China.

C. They appeared at the same period. D. They were time-saving innovations.

2. What was the impact of the Printing Press according to the passage?

A. It produced books in Europe. B. It freed up lots of human labor.

C. It changed the game of printing. D. It made knowledge accessible affordably.

3. What did people in the Near East think of coffee?

A. Another choice to alcohol. B. Means of mining for resources.

C. A place to meet and play games. D. Important milestones for humanity.

【答案】1. B    2. D    3. A




细节理解题。根据The Printing Press部分中“Well before Johannes Gutenberg brought the idea of mass production of printed text to Europe with his Gutenberg Bible, the moveable type printing press was already in use in China.( 早在Johannes Gutenberg用他的《古登堡圣经》把大规模印刷文本的想法带到欧洲之前,活字印刷术就已经在中国使用了)”以及最后一段中“The formula originates in China where the mixture was first used for setting fires.(这种配方起源于中国,当时这种混合物首次被用来生火)”可知,印刷术和火药的共同之处在于他们与中国有关。故选B。


细节理解题。根据The Printing Press部分中“In 1440 Gutenberg applied similar technology to mass produce books for the general public. Freeing up access to knowledge in a cheap and efficient way was a game changer.( 1440年,古腾堡应用了类似的技术,为大众大量生产书籍。以一种廉价和高效的方式释放对知识的获取,这改变了游戏规则)”可知,印刷术的影响是使人们可以负担得起知识。故选D。


细节理解题。根据Coffee部分中“First though it took root in the Near East where the stimulating drink became a popular alternative to alcohol.(首先,咖啡在近东地区生根发芽,在那里,刺激饮料成为了酒精的流行替代品)”可知,近东的人们认为咖啡是酒精之外的另一个选择。故选A。


The parenting styles of parents in the United States are often criticized. One type of parenting that is criticized is a helicopter parent. This kind of parents hover over their children like helicopters, which means these parents are always on top of their children.

While being an aware and involved parent is not a bad thing, helicopter parents take it to the extreme. The actions of helicopter parents actually hurt children, by not teaching them to be responsible for their actions. For example, a helicopter parent would call their adult college-age child to wake them up to go to class, when part of college is learning to be responsible and learning to manage your own time. Helicopter parents arc also overly worried about their kids getting hurt. This means helicopter parents hold back their child's natural curiosity. Part of growing up means your kid has to get hurt, physically and emotionally. This is how lessons arc learned. Instead, the kids of helicopter parents can grow up to be overly needy, dependent adults. Some people blame the rise of helicopter parenting on the rise of cell phones. Mobile phones make it easier for parents to track their kids all the time.

The opposite of the helicopter mom is the free-range mom. The free-range mom follows a slow parenting style, meaning she lets her kids explore the world at their own pace with little direction. The name free-range comes from the idea that kids should have the freedom to explore their world or range in a way that makes sense to them. This often means that free-range moms will not schedule activities like extra classes or play dates for their kids. Instead a free-range mom will just let her child play in a park. There is less of an emphasis on things like the latest toys.

4. Which word can best describe a helicopter parent?

A. Dependent. B. Overprotective. C. Demanding. D. Involved.

5. Why may the actions of helicopter parents hurt their children?

A. Their children may not be responsible for their actions.

B. Their children will explore the world with little direction.

C. Growing up means getting hurt physically and emotionally.

D. Their children cannot get up on time for their college class.

6. What partially caused helicopter parents to emerge?

A. The ability to track people. B. The need to look after ones' kids.

C. The rise of mobile phones. D. The lack of curiosity in youngsters.

7. What will a free-range mom do according to the passage?

A. Purchase the latest toys for their kids.

B. Put their children through extra classes.

C. Allow their children to explore the nature.

D. Avoid exposing their kids to painful lessons.

【答案】4. B    5. A    6. C    7. C




推理判断题。根据第二段“The actions of helicopter parents actually hurt children, by not teaching them to be responsible for their actions. Helicopter parents are also overly worried about their kids getting hurt. This means helicopter parents hold back their child's natural curiosity. Part of growing up means your kid has to get hurt, physically and emotionally.(直升机父母的行为实际上伤害了孩子,因为他们没有教他们为自己的行为负责。“直升机父母”也过于担心他们的孩子会受伤。这意味着“直升机父母”抑制了孩子天生的好奇心。成长的一部分意味着你的孩子必须受到伤害,无论是身体上还是情感上) ”可知,“直升机父母”过于担心孩子在成长过程中受伤,因而对他们过度保护。B选项Overprotective“过分溺爱的”更好地描述了“直升机父母”。故选B项。


细节理解题。根据第二段“ The actions of helicopter parents actually hurt children, by not teaching them to be responsible for their actions.(“直升机父母”的行为实际上伤害了孩子,因为他们没有教他们为自己的行为负责)”可知,“直升机父母”没有教他们的孩子对自己的事情负责,这其实是在伤害他们的孩子。故选A项。


细节理解题。根据第二段“Some people blame the rise of helicopter parenting on the rise of cell phones. Mobile phones make it easier for parents to track their kids all the time.(有些人将“直升机式”家长增多归咎于手机的增多。手机让父母更容易随时追踪孩子的行踪) ”可知,手机让父母更容易随时追踪孩子的行踪,因此手机的增多是“直升机父母”出现的部分原因。故选C项。


推理判断题。根据第三段“The free-range mom follows a slow parenting style, meaning she lets her kids explore the world at their own pace with little direction. The name free-range comes from the idea that kids should have the freedom to explore their world or range in a way that makes sense to them. (“自由放养”妈妈采用的是一种缓慢的养育方式,这意味着她让孩子们按照自己的节奏探索世界,没有任何方向。“自由放养”这个名字来自于这样一个想法:孩子们应该有自由,以一种对他们来说有意义的方式探索他们的世界或范围) ”可推知,“自由放养”妈妈会让孩子们去探索大自然。故选C项。


Most sea turtles, whales and fish may have plastic in their bodies. To determine the various forms and colors of this material in marine animals, Marga Rivas at the University of Almeria in Spain and her team analyzed data from 112 studies published in the past decade. These looked for microplastics and larger macro plastics in marine species globally.

Of the studies, 80 examined the gastrointestinal tracts (胃肠道)of animals to see what they had taken in. The others also looked at wider animal tissues to identify plastics that end up in other parts of the body. After examining all of the data, Rivas and her team concluded that 66 per cent of sea turtles have white-colored macro and microplastics in their systems, while 55 percent have a distinct class of plastic called microfibers, which are shed by some fabrics (织物). The high amount of white plastic in turtles was unsurprising, says Rivas, given that plastic of this color, particularly larger pieces, may resemble jellyfish, a large part of the animals' diets.

Microfibers were also present in 80 percent of whales and dolphins - and white macro and microplastics in 38 percent of them. The researchers also concluded that clear fiber microplastics are probably the most common form of this waste that is taken in by large marine animals globally. Rivas and her colleagues also discovered that the animals with the highest rates of plastic were those in the Mediterranean and the northeast Indian Ocean.

“The Mediterranean is the most contaminated sea in the world, so we expected to find these results,” says Rivas. Marine plastic pollution has increased roughly 10-fbld since 1980, and Rivas says the problem is worsened by inadequate water treatment systems. In parts of India and the southeast Mediterranean, waste water isn’t adequately treated or recycled, she says. This means that microfibers shed by fabrics in washing machines, and larger pieces of rubbish, enter the sea. “It’s possible to introduce management strategies to control these huge threats,” says Rivas.

8. How did Rivas and her team conduct the study?

A. By doing comparative experiments.

B. By analyzing data from previous studies.

C. By determining the forms and colors of plastics.

D. By looking for plastics in global marine animals.

9. Why was it unsurprising to find a large amount of white plastic in sea turtles?

A. White plastic looks like the food sea turtles consume.

B. More while plastic was in the sea than that of other colors.

C. White plastic is the most common form of the plastic waste.

D. White microfibers from fabrics were abundant in the oceans.

10. What does the underlined word “contaminated” probably mean in the last paragraph?

A. Researched B. Conserved C. Examined D. Polluted

11. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

A. Health. B. Lifestyle. C. Science. D. Education.

【答案】8. B    9. A    10. D    11. C



【详解】1. 细节理解题。根据第一段中“To determine the various forms and colors of this material in marine animals, Marga Rivas at the University of Almeria in Spain and her team analyzed data from 112 studies published in the past decade. ”(为了确定这种物质在海洋动物身上的各种形式和颜色,西班牙阿尔梅里亚大学的玛加 · 里瓦斯和她的团队,分析了过去十年间发表的112项研究的数据。)可知,玛加 · 里瓦斯和她的团队通过分析之前发表的112项研究数据来研究塑料在海洋动物身上以何种形式和颜色出现。故选B。

2. 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“The high amount of white plastic in turtles was unsurprising, says Rivas, given that plastic of this color, particularly larger pieces, may resemble jellyfish, a large part of the animals' diets. ”(里瓦斯说,海龟体内大量的白色塑料并不令人惊讶,因为这种颜色的塑料,特别是较大的塑料碎片,可能类似于水母,这是海龟饮食的一大部分。)可知,因为塑料的颜色和海龟饮食的水母很类似,所以海龟才会误食这些塑料,进而使塑料在其身上的数量很多。故选A。

3. 词句猜测题。根据倒数第二段最后一句“Rivas and her colleagues also discovered that the animals with the highest rates of plastic were those in the Mediterranean and the northeast Indian Ocean.”(里瓦斯和她的同事还发现,塑料含量最高的动物是地中海和印度洋的东北部的动物。)可知,地中海和印度洋东北部的塑料含量大,即说明这两部分的海洋受到的污染最大。所以可推知,contaminated此处表示 “污染的”,选项D与文意一致,故选D。

4. 推理判断题。根据第一段首句“Most sea turtles, whales and fish may have plastic in their bodies.”(大多数海龟,鲸鱼和鱼类的身体里都有塑料。)同时根据下文科学家们的研究结果表明,大量的垃圾正在流入海洋,给海洋带来污染。可知,本文可能会在报纸的关于环保的自然的版面上出现。故选C。


A mix of anxiety rising in my chest and a voice at the back of my mind shouting ‘what’s wrong with me?’ –it’s how I’ve felt about rejection my whole life.

The earliest rejection I can remember was on my first day of school. I started the term late due to illness and the teacher asked the class who would play with me at break. The silence was deafening. Now, a bit of online dating sees us rejected by half the town before we've even started our day. There's not a break at work. Is there a worse feeling than hitting the final slide on your presentation, boldly asking 'any questions?' and looking around the room to see everyone on their phones?

We need to build resilience. For me, this has come in two stages. First, I spent time listening to the voice of fear that saw each rejection as proof that there was something wrong with me. When I analysed it, I could see it was rarely about me. Perhaps the guy I was talking to was too busy to reply. It was likely that the magazine I'd sent a passage to already had an article on that topic. Now, I assume it's about me 20 per cent of the time - and I can live with that.

The other thing I do is practice rejecting. Because I hate rejection, I shy away from being the rejector, which means I either please people or avoid tricky situations. Instead, I've come up with a few lines for when I want to say no: 'That sounds great but it's not for me; thank you for asking but I decline; it was lovely but I think we should leave it there.' It's never pleasant to reject a person but there is a kind way to do it. With resilience and clarity, we can see the plus sides of rejection: it frees us up to do something else, be with someone else and be happier. We can't complain about that.

12. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?

A. The examples of the author's being rejected.

B. The experiences of the author's online dating.

C. The reasons of the author's lateness for school

D. The feelings of the author's being ignored at work.

13. What did the author find after analyzing the reason of rejection?

A. He could live with it. B. It was partly about him.

C. He did something wrong. D. It had nothing to do with him.

14. What might be the author's advice when you reject others?

A. Do it with resilience and clarity.

B. Come up with a few pleasant lines.

C. Please others or avoid tricky situations.

D. Show your kindness and don't complain.

15. What is one of the benefits of rejection?

A. It enables us to live. B. It gives us more time.

C. It has some plus sides. D. It does something else.

【答案】12. A    13. D    14. A    15. B




主旨大意题。第一段中“–it’s how I’ve felt about rejection my whole life.”(——这就是我对被拒绝的感觉。)点明文章主题,交往中被拒绝的现象,根据第二段“The earliest rejection I can remember was on my first day of school.”(我记得第一次被拒绝是在我上学的第一天。)和“Now, a bit of online dating sees us rejected by half the town before we've even started our day.”(而现在,我们还没开始一天的约会就被镇上一半的人拒绝了。)以及“Is there a worse feeling than hitting the final slide on your presentation, boldly asking ‘any questions?’ and looking around the room to see everyone on their phones?”(还有什么比在演讲的最后一张幻灯片上大胆地问“有什么问题吗?”然后环顾四周,看到每个人都在玩手机?)可知,本段是作者举了一些被拒绝的事例。故选A项。


细节理解题。根据第三段中“When I analysed it, I could see it was rarely about me.”(当我分析它的时候,我发现它很少是关于我的。)可知,作者分析了被拒绝的原因之后,发现被拒绝与他没有什么关系。故选D项。


推理判断题。根据第三段中“We need to build resilience.”(我们需要建立韧性。)和最后一段中“ It’s never pleasant to reject a person but there is a kind way to do it. With resilience and clarity, we can see the plus sides of rejection: it frees us up to do something else, be with someone else and be happier.” (拒绝别人从来都不是一件令人愉快的事,但却有一种友好的方式。有了弹性和清晰度,我们可以看到拒绝的好处:它让我们有时间做其他的事情,和别人在一起,变得更快乐。)可知,作者会建议,当拒绝别人的时候要有弹性和清晰度。故选A项。


细节理解题。根据最后一段中“With resilience and clarity, we can see the plus sides of rejection: it frees us up to do something else, be with someone else and be happier.”(有了弹性和清晰度,我们可以看到拒绝的好处:它让我们有时间做其他的事情,和别人在一起,变得更快乐。)可知,拒绝的好处之一是它给我们更多的时间。故选B项。



Bullying is one of most powerful forms of control that one person can use against another. The aim is to make the victim feel inferior, with the other in the superior position. We need to do more to stop it and educate people to understand that we all have a duty to be respectful and considerate towards others. ___16___ It can take a lifetime to recover from such suffering.

One of the key challenges when it comes to bullying is that the actions against you seem personal and you feel all alone. The various forms it takes make you miserable, including verbal attacks, social exclusion and silent treatment. Still, there is something you can do about it.

Recognise and reach out. ___17___. Recognition depends on seeing a pattern. For anyone feeling unsettled at work, it's worth making a note of incidents, recording the date and time, how you felt and whether there were witnesses. _____18_____

Tell someone you trust. This is the most enabling thing you can do. This step can be difficult ___19___. That sense of shame is what the bully relies on to keep the secret.

No one deserves to be bullied. Remember that you are not to blame for the way you are being treated ___20___

A. It may not be easy to identify bullying.

B. but you need to be brave enough to tackle it head-on

C. Identifying the problem and getting support are crucial

D. because no one deserves to feel invisible and unworthy

E. because it means breaking through your own denial, disbelief and shame

F. Bullying leads to feelings of being left out and can have long-lasting effects

G. This account will be useful when you stand up for yourself and reclaim your power

【答案】16. F    17. C    18. G    19. E    20. D



【详解】1. 根据上文“Bullying is one of most powerful forms of control that one person can use against another. ”(欺凌是一种最有力的控制方式,一个人可以用来对付另一个人。)及下文“It can take a lifetime to recover from such suffering.”(从这样的痛苦中恢复过来可能需要一生的时间。)可知,设空处讲述的内容为欺凌带给受害者的影响。选项F.“Bullying            leads to feelings of being left out and can have long-lasting effects”(欺凌会导致被忽视的感觉,并会产生持久的影响),此处“have long-lasting effects”和下文的“take a lifetime to recove”相呼应,故选F。

2. 根据上文“Recognise and reach out.”(识别欺凌并愿意提供帮助),可知设空处描述的是识别欺凌和提供帮助是重要的。选项C.“Identifying the problem and getting support are crucial”(找出问题并获得支持是至关重要的),选项中identity和recognize意思相近,语义上形成呼应,符合题意。故选C。

3. 结合上文“ For anyone feeling unsettled at work, it's worth making a note of incidents, recording the date and time, how you felt and whether there were witnesses.”(如果有人在工作中感到不安,记录下事件,记录日期和时间,你的感受,以及是否有目击者,都是值得的。)讲述了要把记录欺凌的过程认为是有意义的,可推知,接下来要描述的是这样做的具体意义。选项G.“This            account will be useful when you stand up for yourself and reclaim your power”(当你为自己挺身而出,重新夺回权力时,这个记录会很有用。)与前文意义相符,故选G。

4. 根据上文“Tell someone you trust. This is the most enabling thing you can do. This step can be difficult ”(告诉你信任的人,这是你能做的最有利的事,这一步可能很困难。)可知,上文讲述了要把受欺凌的事讲给自己信任的人,而这一步可能很困难。接下来要描述的是困难的原因是什么。选项E.“because it means breaking through your own denial, disbelief            and shame.”(因为这意味着你要打破自己的否认,怀疑和羞愧。)与上文形成意义上的连贯和一致性,故选E。

5. 根据上文“No one deserves to be bullied. Remember that you are not to blame for the way you are being treated”(没有人应该被欺负。记住,你不应该为别人对你的态度负责)可知,设空处谈论的是解释原因。选项D.“because no one deserves to feel invisible and unworthy”(因为没有人应该感到被忽视和不值得。)符合题意,同时选项中deserve和本段的第一句意义一致,故选D。

第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)



I never thought I would venture (冒险)far from home. For my undergrad degree, I only___21___to universities within an hour of my hometown in the UK. When I decided to___22___ a Ph. D. , I stayed at the same university. I still wasn't ___23___ I was a great student, and staying seemed like the ___24___ option. A few years later, as I was considering a postdoc (博士后),I was determined to once again stay close to home, in the ___25___ of my Ph. D. lab.

I heard about a fellowship program in Japan that sounded like a good ___26___, and the flexibility of the program ___27___ me. I decided that, if I were accepted, I would stay for 3 months — long enough to experience a new place, but short enough to make the future less ___28___ .

But when I was accepted, the head of the group wanted me to stay for the full year. I ___29___I was excited about the research. But the thought of being so far from home for so long made me _____30_____ . I didn't speak any Japanese. I wouldn't know anyone. Would I be _____31_____?

I worked up my ____32____ after much consideration, and____33____ up for the year-knowing that, if things went badly, I could come home earlier.

Almost everything was____34____from what I was used to. In the lab the____35____and culture were new to me. Talking with my new____36____about their experiences conducting research helped open my eyes to new ways of doing things. After winning the scholarship, I now feel ____37____ I can do anything.

Humans are creatures of____38____. We resist change. However, if I hadn't moved, I would not have experienced many____39____and wonderful things or met many friends. So the move gave me the____40____to learn and experience.

21. A. returned B. applied C. contributed D. responded

22. A. evaluate B. abandon C. pursue D. explore

23. A. aware B. content C. worried D. convinced

24. A. easy B. safe C. rare D. tough

25. A. comfort B. glory C. possession D. atmosphere

26. A. example B. change C. promise D. fit

27. A. improved B. lived up to C. challenged D. appealed to

28. A. moving B. frightening C. exciting D. disappointing

29. A. hesitated B. regretted C. agreed D. refused

30. A. guilty B. anxious C. brave D. cheerful

31. A. unhappy B. unfriendly C. unhealthy D. unlucky

32. A. curiosity B. dignity C. desire D. courage

33. A. looked B. signed C. made D. held

34. A. separate B. absent C. free D. different

35. A. comments B. degree C. practices D. fortune

36. A. students B. competitors C. colleagues D. volunteers

37. A. strongly B. slightly C. abruptly D. gradually

38. A. emotion B. conscience C. habit D. ambition

39. A. odd B. common C. new D. popular

40. A. opportunity B. pleasure C. motivation D. method

【答案】21. B    22. C    23. D    24. B    25. A    26. D    27. D    28. B    29. A    30. B    31. A    32. D    33. B    34. D    35. C    36. C    37. A    38. C    39. C    40. A




考查动词辨析。句意:在本科阶段,我只申请了距离家乡英国一个小时以内的大学。A. returned归还,返回;B. applied申请;C. contributed 有助于,贡献;D. responded回应。根据第1空前后内容“I never thought I would venture (冒险)far from home. For my undergrad degree,”和“to universities within an hour of my hometown in the UK.”可知,因为不想离家太远,所以作者“申请”离家近的大学。故选B。


考查动词辨析。句意:当我决定攻读博士学位时,我还留在了同一所大学。A. evaluate评价,估价;B. abandon遗弃,离开;C. pursue追求,继续进行;D. explore探索。根据空后“ a Ph. D ”可知,作者读博士学位。故选C。


考查形容词辨析。句意:我仍然不相信自己是一个好学生,留下似乎是一个安全的选择。A. aware意识到;B. content满意的;C. worried担忧的;D. convinced确信的。根据空后“I was a great student”可知,我仍然不能“确信”自己是好学生。故选D。


考查形容词辨析。句意:我仍然不相信自己是一个好学生,留下似乎是一个安全的选择。A. easy容易的;B. safe安全的;C. rare罕见的;D.  tough艰苦的,困难的。 根据上文作者希望大学离家近,对自己不确信,所以博士也在同一所大学是“安全的”,故选B。


考查名词辨析。句意:几年后,当我考虑攻读博士后时,我决定再一次呆在离家近的舒适的博士实验室里。A. comfort舒适;B. glory光荣;C. possession 拥有;D.  atmosphere气氛。根据空前的“I was determined to once again stay close to home”可知,作者攻读博士后时仍然留在“舒适的”博士实验室里。故选A。


考查名词辨析。句意:我听说日本有一个奖学金项目,听起来很适合我,而且项目的灵活性很吸引我。A. example例子;B. change改变;C. promise许诺;D. fit合身、适合。根据下文的“I decided that, if I were accepted”可知,此处指这个奖学金项目“适合”我。故选D。


考查动词(短语)辨析。句意:我听说日本有一个奖学金项目,听起来很适合我,而且项目的灵活性很吸引我。A. improved改进;B. lived up to 不辜负;C. challenged挑战;D. appealed to吸引,呼吁。根据空前的“the flexibility of the program”可知,这个项目“吸引”我。故选D。


考查形容词辨析。句意:我决定,如果我被录取了,我将在这里待上3个月——时间足够去体验一个新地方,但又足够短,让以后的日子不那么可怕。A. moving令人受感动的;B. frightening令人害怕的;C. exciting令人兴奋的;D. disappointing令人失望的。根据空后“a new place, but short enough to make the future less”可知,虽然是到一个新地方,但时间很短,所以并不可怕。故选B。


考查动词辨析。句意:我犹豫了。A. hesitated犹豫;B. regretted后悔;C. agreed同意;D.  refused拒绝。根据空后的“I was excited about the research. But the thought of being so far from home for so long made me”可知,作者对此犹豫了。下文说作者鼓起勇气报了一年的班说明作者不是后悔,只是有些犹豫,故选A。


考查形容词辨析。句意:我对这项研究很兴奋,但一想到要离家这么远这么久,我就很焦虑。A. guilty有罪的,内疚的;B. anxious焦虑的;C. brave勇敢的;D. cheerful愉快的。根据空后的“I didn't speak any Japanese. I wouldn't know anyone.”可知,作者内心是“焦虑的”。故选B。


考查形容词辨析。句意:我会不开心吗?A. unhappy不高兴;B. unfriendly不友好的;C. unhealthy不健康的;D. unlucky不幸的。根据前面作者犹豫,内心焦虑,所以此处unhappy符合句意。故选A。


考查名词辨析。句意:在再三考虑之后,我鼓起勇气,报了一年的班——因为我知道,如果情况不佳,我可以早点回家。A. curiosity好奇;B. dignity 尊严;C. desire欲望;D. courage勇气。根据空后的“after much consideration”可知,作者鼓足了“勇气”。故选D。


考查动词辨析。句意:在再三考虑之后,我鼓起勇气,报了一年的班——因为我知道,如果情况不佳,我可以早点回家。A. looked看;B. signed署名,签约;C. made制造;D.  held举行,举办。固定短语:sign up for签署,报名。故选B。


考查形容词辨析。句意:几乎所有的一切都与我所习惯的不同。A. separate分开的,单独的;B. absent缺席的;C. free自由的;D. different不同的。到了一个新环境,一切都与自己以前所熟悉的不同了。固定短语:be different from“与……不同”。故选D。


考查名词辨析。句意:在实验室里,实践和文化对我来说都是全新的。A. comments评论;B. degree程度;C. practices 练习、实践;D. fortune运气。根据第15空前后“In the lab”和“and culture were new to me.”可知,在实验室里要做实验。故选C。


考查名词辨析。句意:与我的新同事们谈论他们从事研究的经历,帮助我开阔了眼界,发现了做事的新方法。A. students学生;B. competitors竞争对手;C. colleagues同事;D. volunteers志愿者。在实验室里一起做研究的自然是“同事”。故选C。


考查副词辨析。句意:获得奖学金后,我现在强烈地感觉到我可以做任何事情。A. strongly坚定地,强烈地;B. slightly轻微地;C. abruptly突然地;D. gradually逐渐地。根据语境,获得奖学金让作者信心倍增,强烈觉得自己可以做任何事,故选A。


考查名词辨析。句意:人类是习惯性生物。A. emotion情感;B. conscience良心;C. habit 习惯;D.  ambition雄心。根据空后的“We resist change.”可知,此处指“习惯”的改变。故选C。


考查形容词辨析。句意:但是,如果我没有去日本,我就不会经历那么多的新鲜和美妙的事情,也不会认识那么多的朋友。A. odd奇数的,古怪的;B. common平常的,一般的;C. new新的;D. popular流行的。根据上文可知,到了一个新的国家,体验新环境和新事物。故选C。


考查名词辨析。句意:所以这次留学给了我一个学习和体验的机会。A. opportunity机会;B. pleasure快乐;C. motivation动机,积极性;D. method方法。结合上文,去日本留学给了作者一个学习和体验新环境的机会,故选A。




The current COVID-19 pandemic ___41___(make) many normal parts of life scary for us so far. One of those things is using a public restroom. You may have heard that the virus can ______42______ (spread) in dirty bathrooms. This is partially true, ___43___there's no need to panic if you're care fill.  As long as you follow ___44___(base) guidelines and leave the restroom as soon as you're finished, you can protect yourself and should be at a low risk for catching COVID-19. A restroom is a ____45____ (close) space where a lot of people come and go, so there’s a chance that virus droplets could be in the air. _____46_____(protect) yourself you might as well put on your mask before entering the restroom. Leave it ___47___until you leave the restroom and get back to a non-public area. In general, the less time you spend in the restroom, the______48______ (good). This reduces your chances of coming in close contact with anyone and ___49___(infect). Don't spend more time in the restroom ______50______you have to, and leave as soon as you're done.

【答案】41. has been making    

42. be spread    

43. but    44. basic    

45. closed    46. To protect    

47. on    48. better    

49. being infected    

50. than




考查谓语动词时态。句意:目前,COVID-19大流行已经让我们生活的许多正常部分感到恐惧。分析句子可知,该空在句中做谓语成分;由句意和so far可知,该空应用现在完成进行时态(have/has been doing),表示动作从过去某个时刻开始一直持续到现在,甚至将来;又由于主语COVID-19 pandemic为单数,谓语应用单数,应填has been making。故填has been making。


考查被动语态。句意:你可能听说过这种病毒可以在肮脏的浴室里传播。分析句子可知,该空在宾语从句中做谓语成分;从句中主语the virus和谓语的关系为被动关系,谓语应用被动语态(be done);由于空前有情态动词can,后接的动词应用原形,spread的过去分词为spread。故填be spread。








考查不定式。句意:为了保护自己,你最好在进入洗手间前戴上口罩。由句意可知,该空应用不定式to do做目的状语,应填To protect。故填To protect。






考查动名词。句意:这减少了你与任何人密切接触并被感染的机会。分析句子可知,设空前有并列词and,该空为介词of的并列宾语,应用动名词doing形式;又由于该动词与逻辑主语为被动关系,应用被动形式(be done),故该空填being infected。故填being infected。



第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35)

第一节 短文改错(10小题;每小题1分,满分10)

51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文.文中共有10处语言 错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






What do monkeys feed? Bananas, right? However, bananas aren't actual part of their natural diet. In the wild, monkeys usually eat flowers, leaf and insects. They also eat fruits, and which don't include bananas. One zoo in England take note of that. The zoo stopped feeding it’s monkeys bananas, so the animal experts there believe that bananas are bad for their health. The animal experts explain that bananas don't have many protein or fiber. They also have too much sugar. So, giving monkeys bananas is equal to give people cake and chocolate. All that sugar can lead to healthy problems for the monkeys. They can lose their teeth, get fat or get diabetes.

【答案】1. feed后加on    2. actual→actually   3. leaf→leaves    4.删除and 或 which→they   5. take→took  6. it's→ its   7. so→because    8. many→much  9. give→giving  10. healthy→health



【详解】1.考查不及物动词和介词搭配。句意:猴子吃什么?。feed on“以……为食”是动词固定短语,此处feed为不及物动词。故在feed 后加 on。



4.考查定语从句以及句子连接。句意:它们也吃水果,其中不包括香蕉。分析句子可知,逗号后可以看作非限制性定语从句,先行词为fruits,关系代词which引导从句,代替先行词,and即为多余,应删除;如果用并列连词and连接句子,则不可用关系代词which指代fruit,应该用人称代词they代指fruit。故将and删除或者 which改为they。


6.考查代词。句意:动物园停止给猴子喂香蕉,因为动物专家认为香蕉对猴子的健康有害。it’s是it is的缩写形式,意为“它是”;its是物主代词,意为“它的”。此处修饰monkeys,故its(它的)符合句意。故将it’s改为its。

7.考查连词。句意:动物园停止给猴子喂香蕉,因为动物专家认为香蕉对猴子的健康有害。后文“the animal experts there believe that bananas are bad for their health”是前文“The zoo stopped feeding…”的原因。故将so改为because。

8.考查形容词many/much区别。句意:动物专家解释说香蕉没有太多的蛋白质和纤维。修饰不可数名词protein or fiber,用much“许多的”。故将many改为much。

9.考查动名词。句意:所以,给猴子香蕉就等于给人们蛋糕和巧克力。be equal to“与……相等”固定搭配中to是介词,介词应接动名词作宾语。故将give改为giving。

10.考查名词作定语。句意:这些糖分会导致猴子的健康问题。修饰名词problems,应用名词health,作定语,health problem健康问题,该短语是固定短语。故将healthy改为health。

第二节 书面表达(满分25)

52. 假设你是李华,你的英国好友Emma写信询问你新的一年你做了怎样的新年决心,你根据一下要点回信。







Dear Emma,

How's everything going?



Li Hua

【答案】Dear Emma,

How's everything going? Knowing that you are curious about my New Year's Resolution, I am writing to share with you my plans for 2021.

I decide to make full use of this critical time to be admitted to my dream university. So, I have to read more books or passages to improve my Chinese and English, which are my weaknesses. To be as physically and mentally fit as possible is also on my to-do list. Therefore, I will not be particular about the food I eat every day and try to work out more.

2021 will definitely be better for you and me. We all have been through a lot. I wish you a fruitful year, full of happiness.


Li Hua











第二步:列提纲 (重点词组)

be curious about; share with;make full use of;be admitted to; be particular about;work out


1. Knowing that you are curious about my New Year's Resolution, I am writing to share with you my plans for 2021.

2. I decide to make full use of this critical time to be admitted to my dream university.

3. So, I have to read more books or passages to improve my Chinese and English, which are my weaknesses.

4. To be as physically and mentally fit as possible is also on my to-do list.

5. Therefore, I will not be particular about the food I eat every day and try to work out more.

6. 2021 will definitely be better for you and me.

7. We all have been through a lot.

8. I wish you a fruitful year, full of happiness.



表因果关系:So, Therefore


【点睛】[高分句型1] Knowing that you are curious about my New Year's Resolution, I am writing to share with you my plans for 2021.(现在分词knowing作状语)

[高分句型2] So, I have to read more books or passages to improve my Chinese and English, which are my weaknesses.(which引导非限制性定语从句)