"Pot calling the kettle black" 是一句英语习语,源自于烹饪时的场景。在炉火上,锅(pot)和壶(kettle)都是黑色的,因为它们都被烟熏黑了。如果锅说壶黑,实际上它们自己也是一样黑。这个短语用来形容一个人指责或批评别人时,其实他自己也有同样的缺点或错误,也就是所谓的“五十步笑百步”或者“贼喊捉贼”。

### 用法

在日常对话或写作中,"pot calling the kettle black" 通常用作一种讽刺或批评的方式,指出某人在指责他人时忽视了自己的相同问题。它通常用于反驳或揭示一个人的虚伪或双重标准。

### 例句

1. "When John criticized Mary for being late, it was a bit of pot calling the kettle black since he's always tardy himself."


2. "The politician who was caught in a scandal accused his opponent of corruption – a clear case of pot calling the kettle black."


3. "She complained about her friend's messy room, but her place was just as untidy – classic pot calling the kettle black!"


### 同义词辨析

1. **Hypocrite** - 指一个言行不一致,假装有道德或正义感的人。例如:"It's hypocritical of him to criticize others for cheating when he does it himself."(他本身就是个作弊者,还批评别人作弊,真是虚伪。)

2. **The beam in one's own eye** - 这个短语源自《圣经》,意指人们往往只看到别人的过错,却忽视了自己的问题。例如:"Before pointing out your brother's fault, consider the beam in your own eye."(在指责你兄弟的过错之前,先看看你自己眼中的梁木。)

3. **Two-faced** - 描述一个表面一套,背后一套的人。例如:"She's two-faced; she talks sweetly to your face but badmouths you behind your back."(她两面三刀,当面一套,背后一套。)

4. **Double standards** - 指对同一情况,对自己和他人有不同的评判标准。例如:"It's unfair to apply double standards when evaluating their work."(在评价他们的工作时使用双重标准是不公平的。)

5. **The pot calling the kettle black** 和以上这些短语的区别在于,它更侧重于描述一个指责他人时忽略自身同样问题的情况,而其他短语则更广泛地涵盖了虚伪、双重标准和自我反省的主题。