
"Punch Your Lights Out" 是一个英语俚语,源自拳击运动中的术语,意为“打昏或打倒某人”。在实际使用中,这个表达通常用来描述一个人被猛烈地击打,以至于失去意识或者遭受严重的打击。在更广泛的含义上,它也可以表示“彻底击败”或“使某人陷入困境”。


1. 直接的物理打击:

   "After the unexpected punch, he was down for the count, and the referee had to punch his lights out to stop the fight."(在出其不意的一拳后,他倒下了,裁判不得不介入以防止他继续受到伤害。)

2. 比喻性的击败:

   "The competition was so fierce that our opponent's presentation punched our lights out, leaving us with no chance of winning."(竞争如此激烈,对手的展示完全压倒了我们,让我们无获胜的机会。)

3. 在情绪或心理上的冲击:

   "When she heard the news of her father's sudden death, it felt like someone had punched her lights out."(当她听到父亲突然去世的消息时,感觉像是有人狠狠地打击了她的心灵。)


1. "Knockout":这个词同样源于拳击,表示“一击击倒”。例如:"He landed a knockout punch on his opponent."(他一拳击倒了对手。)在非拳击语境中,"knockout" 可以用来形容令人震惊或极度吸引人的事物。

2. "Knock someone senseless":这个短语意味着打到某人失去知觉。例如:"He was knocked senseless by the blow to his head."(他被击中头部,失去了知觉。)

3. "Beat someone black and blue":这个表达强调的是造成明显的外伤,而非仅仅打倒。例如:"If you keep arguing, I'll beat you black and blue!"(如果你再继续争论,我会把你打得青一块紫一块!)

4. "Wipe the floor with someone":这个短语比喻性地表示在某个领域或活动中彻底击败对手。例如:"She wiped the floor with her opponents in the debate."(她在辩论中彻底击败了对手。)