"Put one's foot in one's mouth" 是一个英语习语,源自人们在实际生活中不小心将脚踩进嘴里,象征性地表示某人在说话或行动时不小心说错了话,或者做出了不得体的评论,导致尴尬或冒犯了他人。这个短语通常用来描述一个人由于言语不慎而陷入困境或引起他人不悦的情况。



1. "When John tried to compliment his colleague's dress, he ended up putting his foot in his mouth by mentioning its similarity to his grandmother's curtains."


2. "She really put her foot in her mouth at the dinner party when she mentioned her friend's recent divorce."


3. "I was just trying to make a joke, but I guess I put my foot in my mouth. I'll be more careful next time."



1. **Step on one's tongue** - 这个表达也有类似的意思,指的是因为紧张或不注意而说出不合适的话。例如:"She stepped on her tongue and accidentally insulted her boss."


2. **Say the wrong thing** - 这个短语直译为“说了错误的事情”,与"put one's foot in one's mouth"相似,强调了说话不当。例如:"I didn't mean to upset her, but I said the wrong thing."


3. **Put your foot in it** - 这个短语与"put one's foot in one's mouth"几乎完全相同,只是稍微口语化一些。例如:"I thought I was being funny, but I really put my foot in it with that comment."


4. **Bite one's tongue** - 虽然这个短语通常意味着忍住不说,但它也可以用来形容事后后悔自己不该说话。例如:"I should have bitten my tongue instead of blurting out that insensitive remark."
