这7个表”经过“的词中,除pass, cross是动词外,其它都是介词(副词)。首先,我们从词性上去区别它们。

充当谓语动词时用pass, cross, 不充当谓语动词时用past, across, through, over, by 

从旁边“经过” “绕过” “路过”用pass(介词形式为past), 从表面“越过”用cross(介词形式为across)

<img src="http://p3.pstatp.com/large/pgc-image/15251329904161dc2405d4e" img_width="474" img_height="266" alt="七个" 经过”="" "pass,="" cross,="" through,="" by……"怎么过(有何区别)"="" inline="0" style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; border-style: none; max-width: 100%; display: block; margin: 10px auto;">

Light goes through the window


past 从旁边“经过” “路过” “绕过”

by 从旁边“经过” “绕过” “绕过” (此时by=pst)

across 从表面“经过” , 空中“越过”(比如把东西从房间的一边扔到另一边)

over 1. 从上方“经过” “飞过” “跨过”;2. 从表面“经过” “越过”(此时over=across)

through 从内部“穿过”


因此我们把past, by的意思记为 “绕过”,across记为 “越过” (=over), over“跨过”(“越过”时=across),through记为“穿过”,这样记住意思就知道用法区别了。


through穿过over跨,越过over, across(s不念出以便押韵),从旁路过by和past(st不念出就押韵了


1. He _______the shop and bought some food.

2. He is walking _______the bridge.

3. The sheep jumped______the fence(栅栏) and ran away.

4. A man _______the street and stopped at a shop.

5. The birds flew(fly的过去式)_______the forest.

6. The children walked ________the forest.

7. A car drove_______the airports.