
1.集体名词作主语时,如果是指整体概念,那么谓语动词用单数形式,如果是指具体成员,谓语动词用复数形式。比如family(家庭,家庭成员) class(班级,同学们) village (村庄,村民们)crowd(一群人,群众) team(队,队员).

Her family are in Beijing. 他的家人都在北京。这里的family指家庭成员

Many families are in the village. 村庄里有很多家庭,这里的family是一个整体概念,指家庭。

The village is far from here, 那村庄离这里很远。这里的village是指村庄。

The whole village are out. 全村庄的村民都出来了。这里的village是指具体成员,指村民们。

2.有些有生命的集体名词作主语时,谓语动词只用复数形。如 people police 等等。

The police are carrying out a special task.那些警察在执行一项特殊任务。


The closing is made of silk. 那衣服是丝制成的。

4.当单复数同形的名词作主语时,谓语形式要根据句子来确定。比如sheep deer fish Chinese Japanese等等

These sheep are his.这些羊是他的。

This sheep is his. 这只羊是他的。


To work hard is important. 努力工作很重要。

What people wear depends on their likes and dislikes.人们穿什么取决于他们的喜好。

Eating healthily is important to us.吃的健康对我们很重要。

6.一些常用作复数或只有复数形式的名词做主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。比如:clothes trousers pants shorts glasses gloves等等。

The pants are Lucy's.


Twenty years is not a long time for us. 20年对我们来说不是很长。

Five apples is enough.5个苹果就够了。

The five months was happy to him.那5个月对他来说是很开心的。


the poor 穷人 the young 年轻人 the rich 富人 the sick病人 the old 老人 the dead死人 the wise 聪明的人

The young are interested in the fashon show .年轻人对时尚表演感兴趣。(一类人)

The wise are happy.聪明的人长乐。(一类人)

The dead was his father.那个死者是他的父亲。(个别)

9.a number of +复数名词做主语,谓语用复数形式。

the number of +名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。

A number of boys are playing basketball on the playground.许多男孩在操场上打篮球。

The number of boys is five hundred. 男孩的数量是五百。

10.主语后面紧跟as well as rather than except besides like 等,谓语动词随as well as except 等词前面的主语,前面是单数名词作主语,谓语用单数形式,前面是复数名词作主语,谓语用复数形式。

The boy as well as his parents likes swimming.

The boys as well as his parent like swimming.

11.both ...and 连接两个名词作主语时谓语动词用复数。

Both he and his father are teachers.

12.either ...or neither... nor not only ...but also等连接的名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词形式要同最近的主语保持一致。(就近原则)

Neither I nor he is admitted. 我和他都不得入内。

Not only he but also his parents like swimming.他和他的父亲都喜欢游泳。

13.不定代词 someone anyone somebody anybody nobody something anything nothing 等作主语时,谓动词用单数形式。

Nothing is more important than lives. 世界上没有什么比生命更重要。

14.none +of +不可数名词 谓语用单数。

None of the water is in the bottle.瓶子里没水。

none +of +复数名词 谓语用单数或复数都可以

None of the women are (is ) Chinese.

15.neither of +名词或代词作主语时,谓语可用单数也可以用复数。

Neither of them is (are) poor.他们都不贫困。


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