1 . 表示动态位置和静态位置。意为,“路过……、从……旁边经过”,“靠近……、在……旁边”等。例如:

She walked by me without noticing me. 她从我身边走过,但没注意到的我。

I go by the post office when I go to school every day.我每天上学路过邮局。

They lived in a hotel by the sea. 他们住在靠海的宾馆。

She sat by me. 她坐在我旁边。

2. 表示方法,手段、方式,意为“凭借……,靠……,通过……,以……手段,乘坐……”等。例如:

He makes a living by working as a waiter. 他当服务员谋生。

What do you mean by saying that? 你那样说什么意思?

I will leave for Beijing by air next month. 下个月我将乘飞机去北京。

They often communicate by email. 他们经常互通电邮。

3.表示期限,意为“到……为止,不迟于……,在……之前”等 。 例如:

I will be here by six o’clock. 我将六点钟前到这儿。

Can you finish the work by tomorrow? 你蜒在明天以前把工作做完吗?

The little boy had finished the work by the time his mother came back. 他妈妈回来的时候,这个小男孩儿已经完成了这项工作。

4. 表示时间、数量、程度等相差或增减的幅度等,意为“到……程度,以……计,以……差”等。例如:

They won the game by one point. 他们,多得一分,贏了这场比赛。

You are late by an hour .你迟到一个小时。

The population of this city increased by 5% last year.这个城市人口去年增加了5%。

5. 用于被动语,后接动作发出者。表示“被… … , 由……”。例如:

I am reading a novel by Muo Yan.我在读莫言写的一本小说。

English is spoken by many people in the world. 世界上,许多人讲英语。

6. 表示“在身边,在手头”“在(白天或夜晚)的时候,在……环境下”的意思。例如 :

Sorry, I haven’t got the phone by me. 对不起!我的电话没带在身上。

It' s good to have a dictionary by you when you are reading .看书时手边有一本词典是有好处的。

He worked by day and studied by night.他白天工作,晚上学习。

7. 与take,hold等动词连用,表示接触(抓住、握住、牟住)身体的某个部位。例如:

He caught the thief by the hair .他抓住了小偷的头发。

The old man took the little girl by the hand.那个老人牵者小女孩的手。

8. 表示原因,意为“由于……的 结 果 、 “凭着……”。例如:

I took your umbrella by mistake.我错拿了你的雨伞,。

By good fortune,she succeeded the first time. 他侥幸的第一次就成功了。

9. 根据,按照

What’s the time by your watch 9 你的手表是什么时间了?

He does everything by rule.他按规定办事。

Never judge a person by his looks. 不要以貌取人。

10. 按……计算, 就……来说

He was paid by the day. 他的工资按日计算。

They rented a room by the month.他们按月租了一个房间。

He is a lawyer by profession.他的职业是律师。

11. 表示“逐个”、“逐批”的意思,常见于以下短语:

one by one —个一个地, little by little 一点一点地,

step by step 一步一步地, day by day 日复一日地,这些短语在句中作状语。例如:

The people got off the bus one by one,after it stopped. 人们一个接一个的下车了。

When we learn to do something, we must do it step by step.



(1) by the way意为_‘顺便说一声”、 顺 便 问 一 下 "。常作插入语。例如:

By the way, can you give me some advice?顺便问一下,你能给我一些建议吗??

(2)(all) by oneself意为“独自地……"、单独地……”。例如 :

I can do the work by myself.我可以独自完成这项工作。

(3)by chance (by accident)意为"偶然地"。例如:

She found the truth by chance.她偶然地发现了事情的真相。

(4)by and by意为_‘不久以后”、“不一会儿"。例如:

By and by, we knew each other and made friends with each other.
